• Tulum, Mexico Redux

    Posted on April 19, 2016 by in Main
    12998734_10154013432123400_1942087227102304192_nTulum,  Quintana Roo, Mexico
    A paradise that will soon be lost. And soon being a matter of years: in ten years it will be built up and lost, as Cancun was 40 years ago when the big tourism boom began.
    But, for now, this place is paradise. The weather is perfect, even when the off-season hits, and the temperature hits highs of 90 degrees with a 100% humidity index. At high noon rivulets of sweat run down my spine into my butt crack. I automatically reach for my water bottled filled with purified water. I gauge my supply, making sure I don’t run out of this precious, but cheap life giver.
    Cycling down unevenly paved streets it’s rare to see an unhappy face — no anger, no resentments; the people who live here are happy spirits. (The ones I see, that is.) They work hard, digging trenches with pick axes, and seem happy to do it.
    The art is sumptuous, not only filled with rich, vibrant color but with form and theme. The figures have an ethereal ancient feel, and so far in Tulum I have seen murals on buildings, and a few pieces hanging inside the “Tulum Art Club” located in the middle of town. About 8 miles from the Art Tulum Café is Residencia Gorila, which is a residential community where artists from around the world are allowed to live and work on their passion. They also hold artist events and have a resident garden. It is located close to the beach, just south of Tulum proper.
    I plan to visit in a couple days …